Selasa, 16 September 2008


! And, But, Or, Because, and So !

1. And
a. Menghubungkan dua kata

* i eat in the restaurant.
* i sleep in the restaurant.
* i eat and sleep in the restaurant.

b. Menghubungkan dua phrase

* i work in the morning.
* i work in the afternoon.
* i work in the morning and in the afternoon.

c. Menghubungkan dua kalimat

* Indonesian speak Indonesian.
* American speak English.
* Indonesian speak Indonesian and American speak English.

2. But
a. Menghubungkan dua kalimat yang mempunyai Grammar atau arti yang bertentangan.

Bertentangan Grammar
* i like fish.
* My Brother doesn't like fish.
i like fish but My brother doesn't.

Bertentangan arti
* i ran fast.
* i missed the class.
i ran fast but missed the class.

3. Or
Digunakan untuk menyatakan pilihan.
* You must be quick or you will be late.
* What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?

4. Because
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat.
* I didn't go to school yesterday.
* i was sick.
i didn't go to school yesterday because i was sick.

5. So
Menunjukkan akibat atau konsekuensi dari suatu oerbuatan.
* Retno didn't study hard.
* she failed the exam.
Retno didn't study hard, so she failed the exam.

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